
Lauridromia dehaani

Scientific Name:-
Lauridromia dehaani

Common Name:-
Japanese Sponge Crab

Malayalam Name:-
Sponge Njandu


Not evaluated


Carapace broader than long, with convex surface. Rostrum tridentate; two spines in the front and one placed slightly below. Whole body except the finger tips and end of the propodus with dense tomentum; body dark greenish. Tip of chela and spines on antero-lateral boarder of carapace including those on the appendages bright pinkish in colour. Preserved specimens in formalin appeared brownish green. Antero-lateral borders with four small spines of equal size. Distance between third and fourth antero-lateral spine much larger than that between others. Inner margin of dactyli of second and third pereiopods with 16-20 minute spines; outer margins of propodi of third and fourth pereiopods without spines. Outer margin of dactylus of the fifth pereiopods lacks spine. Dactylus as long as propodus in anterior ambulatory legs. Teeth in the chela well distinguished. Outer surface of third maxillipeds with dense tomentum on ischium and merus; relatively less on carpus, propodus and dactylus. Exopods of the third maxillipeds with dense velvetty pubescence. Exopod longer than endopod in second and first maxillipeds; endopods hairy on inner margins. Scaphognathite of the second maxillae ovate; curved on upper end and triangular at base. Endopod of first maxillae (maxillule) hairy. Mandible on the cutting end broad and lobular. Antennae slender and longer than antennule. Last two pairs of pereiopods shorter; sub-chelate, with about half the length of the first two and obliquely inserted on carapace with an upwardly directed posture.


Common in bycatch of trawlers.


Bijukumar et al. (2007) and Dev Roy (2013) reported it off Kerala Coast, India.


Benthic, Muddy and Sandy.


Dromia dehaani Rathbun, 1923
Dromia rumphii De Haan, 1839
Lauridromia dehaani McLay 1993.


Alcock,A. (1895-1900). Materials for the Carcinological Fauna of India (Nos. 1-6. The Brachyura, Oxyrhyncha, Oxystoma, Cyclometopa, Primigenia or Dromiacea and Catometopa or Grapsoidea). J. Asiat. Soc. Beng., 64: 157-291, 65: 134-296, 67:67-233, 68: 1-104 and 123-169, 69: 279-456 (Reprinted in 1984, International Books and Periodical Supply Service, New Delhi).
Biju Kumar, A. and G.R. Deepthi (2006). Trawling and by-catch: Implications on marine ecosystem. Curr. Sci. 90 (7): 922-931.
Biju Kumar, A., M. Sushil Kumar., S.M. Raffi and S. Ajmal Khan (2007). Diversity of brachyuran crabs associated with trawl by-catch in Kerala coast, India. Ind.J. Fis. 54 (3): 283-290.
Dev Roy, M.K. (2013). Diversity and Distribution of Marine brachyuran crab communities inhabiting west coast of India. Ecology and Conservation of Tropical Marine Faunal communities, K. Venkataraman et al. (eds.), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38200-0_10, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp 147-169.
Sakai, T. (1976). Crabs of Japan and the Adjacent Seas. Kodansha Ltd. 12-21, Otowa 2 – Chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112, Japan. 773pp.

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