
Anodontia edentula

Scientific Name:-
Anodontia edentula

Common Name:-
Toothless lucine

Malayalam Name:-




Size: Maximum shell length 7.5 cm, commonly to 5 cm. Outside of shell dull white under the straw-colored periostracum. Interior is whitish. Shell moderately thin and rounded in outline, very inflated, globose. Anterodorsal margin is sub-horizontal, strongly rounded anteriorly. Posterodorsal margin slightly convex and sloping posteriorly. Umbones are in front of midline of valves. Moderately large, flattish lunule slightly depressed near the umbones. Sunken ligament in an oblique groove of posterodorsal margin. Outer surface of valves is dense, with irregular concentric growth lines. Periostracum is thin. Elongate adductor muscle, part of which is separate from the pallial line. The hinge is essentially toothless in the adult. They are chemosymbiotic and harbour sulphur-oxidising bacteria in their gills from which they derive most of their nutrition. They have therefore lost their siphons and their ability to filter feed.




Found in estuarine and marine, muddy demersal habitats. This species is found buried in mudflats in the intertidal and subtidal zones. Depth range 0 – 20 m, prefers tropical climate.


Anodontia (Anodontia) edentula (Linnaeus, 1758)
Lucina edentula (Linnaeus, 1758)
Venus edentula Linnaeus, 1758 (original combination)


Ramakrishna and Dey 2010. Annotated Checklist of Indian Marine Molluscs (Cephalopoda, Bivalvia and scaphopoda): Part-1 Rec. Zool. Surv. India, Occ. Paper No., 320: 1-357.

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