
Calcinus morgani

Scientific Name:-
Calcinus morgani

Common Name:-

Malayalam Name:-

Hermit crabs

Not evaluated


Shield gray; ocular peduncles dark brown at proximal end and blue distally, with black rings below corneas. Antennular peduncles dark brownish green and flagella light yellow. Antennal peduncle and flagella yellowish orange. Chelipeds reddish brown with white tips. Ambulatory legs reddish brown, with light brown propodi and dactyli; dactyls with white tips. Shield longer than broad with rostrum acutely triangular. Ocular peduncles long, slender, overreaching both antennal and antennular peduncles. Ocular acicle terminating in a single spine. Antennular peduncle longer than antennal peduncle. Antennal acicle overreaching the proximal margin of the ultimate peduncular segment terminating in a single spine and with 5-7 spines laterally. Fourth antennal segment with a small dorsodistal spine and first segment with dorsolateral outer margin with a bifid spine and inner margin with a simple spine. Chelipeds unequal, left larger than right. Outer surface of left chelae covered with closely-spaced tubercles becoming prominent on fixed finger and dactyls.Carpus with a dorsodistal spine and a prominent tubercle on the middle proximal end. Right cheliped also with tubercles on upper surface of chela. Ambulatory legs smooth. Meri of second and third pereopod with a spine at inner distal portion. Carpi of both pereopods with a strong dorsodistal spine sometimes a small spine present below the dorsodistal spine on second pereopod. Dactyls smaller than propodus. Brush of long plumose setae on ventral margins of dactyls and distal part of propodus of third pereopod. Telson with about 2-10 spines on left lobe and 1-4 on right lobe.


Not recorded


This species was described from Kerala coast Reshmi and Bijukumar (2010).


Intertidal areas


Calcinus gaimardii-Alcock, 1905: 56, pl 5, fig. 5; Calcinus gaimardi-Fize and Serene, 1955:49 (in part), text figs.7,8, pl. 2,figs. 5,6; Calcinus morgani Rahayu and Forest, 1999:465, figs. 1B, 2C, D, G, H, 3; Calcinus areolatus Rahayu and Forest, 1999: 468, fig.4


Reshmi, R. and A. Bijukumar 2010. First report of the hermit crabs Coenobita brevimaus and Coenobita rugosus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) from the Indian Coast. Marine Biodiversity Records (Marine Biological Association of United Kingdom), 3: e121, 1-4.
Reshmi, R. (2014). Taxonomy and diversity of anomuran crabs (Decapoda: Anomura) of Kerala coast. PhD Thesis submitted to University of Kerala, India.

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