
Ciliopagurus grandis

Scientific Name:-
Ciliopagurus grandis

Common Name:-

Malayalam Name:-

Hermit crabs

Not evaluated


Cephalothorax fairly depressed dorsoventrally. Shield about 1.1 times longer than broad; anterolateral margins sloping; anterior margin between rostrum and lateral projections very slightly concave; posterior margin roundly truncate; dorsal surface flat, with scattered shallow pits anterolaterally and few tufts of stiff setae laterally; Y-shaped decalcified suture present posteriorly. Rostrum obtuse, rounded, slightly exceeding lateral projections. Lateral projections also obtuse, unarmed. Ocular peduncles equal in length. Ocular acicles narrowly triangular, mesial margins nearly straight. Antennular peduncles moderately long. Antennal peduncles moderately short, reaching distal one-fourth to one-fifth of ocular peduncles. Chelipeds slightly unequal, short, left larger. Left cheliped with dactylus subequal in length to palm; cutting edge with 1 or 2 prominent calcareous teeth proximally, terminating in very strong, black corneous claw. Stridulating apparatus consists of 4 main ridges extending to ventral half of mesial surface (occasionally interrupted) and interspersing 4 or 5 short dorsal ridges or elevations bearing longitudinal corneous rods. Fourth pereopods semichelate; dactylus distinctly longer than palm, somewhat curved distally. Fifth pereopods chelate. Uropods asymmetrical. Shield orange, anterior margin whitish. Posterior carapace pale orange; branchiostegite and ventrolateral portion of posterior carapace crimson. Ocular peduncles white on dorsal face, red on lateral, ventral and mesial faces. Antennular and antennal peduncles whitish, antennal flagellum uniformly pale orange. Chelipeds and ambulatory legs generally orange, transverse ridges lined by red. Pleon generally white; sixth somite, telson and uropods orange. Claws of chelipeds and ambulatory legs and corneous spinules on ambulatory dactyli black or dark brown.


Not recorded


Komai et al. (2012) recorded this species from Kerala coast.


Coastal seas; depth 50-100m along Kerala coast.



Komai, T., Reshmi, R. and Biju Kumar, A. (2012). A new species of the hermit crab genus Ciliopagurus Forest (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae) from southern India. Zootaxa, 3266: 53–61.
Reshmi, R. (2014). Taxonomy and diversity of anomuran crabs (Decapoda: Anomura) of Kerala coast. PhD Thesis submitted to University of Kerala, India.

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