
Ciliopagurus krempfi

Scientific Name:-
Ciliopagurus krempfi

Common Name:-

Malayalam Name:-

Hermit crabs

Not evaluated


Shield orange-tan. Ocular peduncle, ocular acicle, antennae and antennules orange. Chelipeds with alternating broad bands of vermillion-red and thinner white band under fringe of setae. Fingers orange distally. Ambulatory legs with meri, carpi and propodi banded as chela; dactyls orange. Shield longer than broad; rostrum rounded. Ocular acicles triangular, with single or bifid terminal spine. Antennular peduncle reaching the base of corneas. Antennal peduncles reaching the middle of ocular peduncle. Antennal acicle overreaching proximal margin of ultimate peduncular segment with 2 spines laterally and smaller spinules on dorsal surface. Chelipeds subequal. Dactyls with numerous incomplete striae converging dorsally. Propodi with 6 stria; Carpus with 4 striae; 1 striae complete. Merus with 5 striae. Telson somewhat symmetrical, unarmed and rounded at terminal margin.


Not recorded


In India it was reported by Thomas (1989) and Reshmi (2014) recorded this species from Kerala.


Coastal seas; depth 50-100m along Kerala coast.


Aniculus strigatus- Alcock, 1905: 97, pl. 7, fig. 4; Trizopagurus strigatus- Miyake, 1978: 18, pl. 3, fig. 5; Trizopagurus krempfi Forest 1952b: 256; Ciliopagurus krempfi - Forest, 1995: 59, figs. 10c, 12c, 31d, 37g, h


Thomas, M. M., 1989. On a collection of hermit crabs from the Indian waters. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 31(1&2): 59–79.
Reshmi, R. (2014). Taxonomy and diversity of anomuran crabs (Decapoda: Anomura) of Kerala coast. PhD Thesis submitted to University of Kerala, India.

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