
Ciliopagurus liui

Scientific Name:-
Ciliopagurus liui

Common Name:-

Malayalam Name:-

Hermit crabs

Not evaluated


Cephalothorax strongly depressed dorsoventrally. Shield approximately as long as broad; anterior margin nearly transverse, with faint concavity either side of obsolete rostrum. Ocular peduncles equal in length, long and slender, about 0.8 times as long as shield and 5.5–6.0 times longer than corneal width, cylindrical, slightly inflated basally. Antennular peduncles not reaching corneal bases. Antennal peduncles reaching distal one-third of ocular peduncles. Maxillule with endopod bearing 2 bristles on moderately well developed internal lobe, external lobe well developed, slender, recurved. Chelipeds short, fairly flattened dorsoventrally, subequal or slightly unequal, when unequal, left larger. Right cheliped similar to left cheliped in armature and ornamentation. Stridulating apparatus on palm consisting of 4 distal ridges bearing corneous rods and 2 proximal ridges with minute corneous teeth. Ambulatory legs moderately stout, second slightly overreaching tips of chelipeds; generally similar in armature and ornamentation, but dactyli of third distinctly longer than those of second. Fourth pereopods semichelate. Dactylus about twice as long as palm, slightly curved, overreaching tip of fixed finger by about 0.3 length, terminating in minute corneous claw, lateral surface with row of small corneous spines ventrally; preungual process absent; ventral (opposable) surface broad, nearly flat. Uropods asymmetrical. Telson with distinct lateral indentations; anterior lobe slightly wider than posterior lobe; posterior lobes broadly and roundly subtriangular, slightly unequal (left slightly larger than right), with narrow, deep median cleft; terminal margins unarmed, but with row of moderately long stiff setae. Shield pale red, lateral parts yellowish. Posterior carapace translucent generally; posteromedian plate with red tinge medially. Ocular peduncle red, without conspicuous markings; cornea black. Antennular and antennal peduncles red, antennal flagellum uniformly light red. Palms of chelipeds generally orange-red, transverse ridges lined by red, transverse sulci whitish. Dactyli of ambulatory legs generally orange-red, becoming slightly paler distally; propodi with distal parts cream or light yellow with tinge of red, followed by 7 or 8 alternate rings of red and white (white ring corresponding to furrows), proximally part whitish; carpi similarly annulated with 4 or 5 white and red rings, proximal part yellow or cream; meri also annulated with 7 or 8 alternated white and red rings (red rings broader than white rings, sometimes bicolored with red and orange), proximal parts yellow or cream; ischia generally red or orange, with few white rings or short striae. Pleon with numerous, short to long, red and white transverse or obliquely transverse stripes.


Not recorded


This species is recorded for the first time in India and redescribed by Komai et al. (2013).


Coastal seas; depth 100m along Kerala coast.



Komai, T., Reshmi, R. and Biju Kumar, A. (2013). Rediscovery and range extension of Ciliopagurus liui Forest, 1995 and description of a new species of Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguroidea) from the Kerala State, southwestern India. Zootaxa, 3710 (5): 467–484.
Reshmi, R. (2014). Taxonomy and diversity of anomuran crabs (Decapoda: Anomura) of Kerala coast. PhD Thesis submitted to University of Kerala, India.

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