
Diogenes alias

Scientific Name:-
Diogenes alias

Common Name:-

Malayalam Name:-

Hermit crabs

Not evaluated


Shield cream coloured with brownish tinge. Ocular peduncle with light brown longitudinal stripe. Chelipeds, ambulatory legs, antennae, antennules are all coloured creamish-brown. Shield with rostral lobe weakly developed. Ocular peduncles 0.7 - 0.9 length of shield; corneas not dilated; ocular acicles with row of small spines over entire length of anterior margin, 2 or 4 frequently more prominent at inner angle. Antennular peduncles when fully extended, overreaching corneas by approximately half length of ultimate segments. Antennal acicles usually prominently bifurcate; outer branches reaching to or beyond the proximal margin of ultimate peduncular segment; inner margins each with several small spines. Chelipeds unequal, left cheliped larger and with row of slender, acute spines near upper outer margin of dactyli and usually 2 smaller spines centrally in proximal half of outer surface; upper margin with 2 rows of acute spines. Upper margin of palm with 2 or 3 irregular rows of smaller spines and tufts of moderately long setae. Right cheliped with 1 or 2 rows of acute spines on upper margin of dactyl, partially obscured by long setae. Ambulatory legs with dactyls longer than propodus. Dactyls longer than propodi with row of spines on the dorsal margin which is more prominent in third pereopod. Telson without a median cleft. Lobes are asymmetrical each with 2-4 small spines centrally and 2- 3 much larger spines laterally; lateral margins spinulose.


Not recorded


This species was first reported in India by Alcock (1905). D. alias was reported from Mangalore and Calicut (southwest coast of India) by Rahayu (2000). Reshmi (2014) recorded it from throughout Kerala coast.


Coastal waters


Pagurus diogenes: Fabricius 1787: 327; Cancer diogenes 1791: 17, pl. 22, fig. 5 (not Cancer diogenes Linnaeus 1758); Diogenes miles 1865: 83 (in part), (not Diogenes miles (Fabricius 1787); Diogenes diogenes: Henderson 1893: 412; Diogenes alias McLaughlin & Holthuis 2001: 256; Not Pagurus diogenes: Fabricius 1775: 410; Not Pagurus diogenes: De Haan 1849: 208; Not Diogenes diogenes: Naiyanetr 1980: 24


Alcock, A., 1905. Anomura. Fasc. I. Pagurides. Catalogue of the Indian decapod Crustacea in the collections of the Indian Museum, Indian Museum, Calcutta, 2: 1–197.
Rahayu, D. L. 2000. Hermit crabs from the South China Sea (crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae: Paguridae: Parapaguridae). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 8: 377- 404.
Reshmi, R. (2014). Taxonomy and diversity of anomuran crabs (Decapoda: Anomura) of Kerala coast. PhD Thesis submitted to University of Kerala, India.

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