
Clypeaster rarispinus

Scientific Name:-
Clypeaster rarispinus

Common Name:-
Cake urchins

Malayalam Name:-
Kadal biscuit




Chocolate brownish test with darker patches on the oral and aboral side. Test delicate and often broken in preserved specimen. Shape rounded with sutures on the aboral plates showing a dark reticulum. Aboral surface convex at the centre and oral surface flat. Aboral apex is centrally located. Aboral surface with a distinctly raised petaloidium with upto 60 pore pairs along ambulacrum of the petal. Petals fairly narrow, angular terminally and the pore pairs of the petaloids form a closed outline. Margin of the test abrubtly thickened and the ambitus almost rounded. Oral ambulacral furrows prominent and extends to the margin of the test. Apical system consists of 5 gonopores surrounding the madreporite. Oral surface contain a centrally placed peristome and ventrally postioned periproct near the edge of the skeleton along the line of symmetry of posterior interambulacrum. Posterior edge of the test with a slight bulge opposite to the periproct. Uniform distribution of small sunken perforated tubercles on both oral and aboral surfaces and body is covered by a fur of very short spines.


Not recorded


From Kerala, this species is reported from Vizhinjam coast (Jayakumari, 2004 and James, 2007).


Continental shelf


Clypeaster (Leptoclypus) rarispinus de Meijere, 1903; Coronanthus rarispinus (de Meijere, 1903); Clypeaster audouini Fourtau, 1904; Stolonoclypus audouini Fourtau, 1904


Clark, A. M and F.W.E. Rowe 1971. Monograph of shallow-water Indo West Pacific echinoderms. London. 238 pp.
James, D. B. 2007. Echinoderms of the West Coast of India. Fishing Chimes, 27(7): 19- 21.
Jayakumari, M. 2004. Studies on the ecophysiology of echinoderms along the coast of Kerala. Ph.D. Thesis submitted to the University of Kerala,. 226pp.
Sastry, R. K. (2007). Echinodermata of India: An annotated check list . Rec. zool. Surv. India. Occ. paper No.271: 1-387

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