
Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) leucospilota

Scientific Name:-
Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) leucospilota

Common Name:-
Black sea cucumber / White threads fish

Malayalam Name:-
Karim Kadal vellarikka


Included in Schedule I of Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act


Black coloured with rounded and elongated cylindrical body. Leathery, soft, pliable body wall covered with soft papillae. Definite anterior, posterior ends. Tentacles black coloured, peltate type and 20 in number. Ventral surface thickly covered with pedicels. On disturbance it throws out white sticky threads called Cuverian tubules. Calcareous ring well developed, composed of larger radials and smaller interrradials. Spicules include tables and simple buttons. Spire of table large, with quadrangular end having a wide central hole and peripheral spines. Dorsal body wall consists of tables and regular buttons. Tables with smooth disc, four central and 11-12 peripheral holes. Regular buttons with slightly bulged central part having 3 pairs of holes. Tentacle possess curved rods with spiny ends.


Not recorded


This species was reported from Kerala coast by Jayakumari (2004).


Shallow coastal waters


Stichopus (Gymnochirota) leucospilota Brant, 1835; Holothuria vagabunda Selenka, 1867; Holothuria lagoena Haacke, 1880; Holothuria lamperti Ludwig, 1887; Holothuria oxurropa Sluiter, 1887; Holothuria infesta Sluiter, 1901;
Halodeima dicorona Heding, 1934; Holothuria homoea Clark, 1938; Holothuria gelatinosa Heding, 1939


Clark, A. M and F.W.E. Rowe 1971. Monograph of shallow-water Indo West Pacific echinoderms. London. 238 pp.
Jayakumari, M. 2004. Studies on the ecophysiology of echinoderms along the coast of Kerala. Ph.D. Thesis submitted to the University of Kerala, 226pp.
Sastry, R. K. (2007). Echinodermata of India: An annotated check list . Rec. zool. Surv. India. Occ. paper No.271: 1-387

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