
Agarna malayi

Scientific Name:-
Agarna malayi

Common Name:-

Malayalam Name:-


Not known


Body highly asymmetrical, one side longer than the other. Cepahlon immersed in pereonite 1, pereonite 1 longest, anterior margin deeply trisinuate, antero-lateral angles produced; postero-lateral angles of all pereonites rounded; pereonite 3 to 6 enlarged on one side to give a hunched appearance to the body, coxal plates well developed, first 2 small , posterior ones extending up to posterior margins of respective segments. Pleon broader than pereonite 7 and telson; pleonites 1 and 2 immersed in pereonite 7; pleonite 1 to 4 subequal to one another in length; pleonite 5 longest. Telson rectangular, more than 1.5 times broader than long, faint dorsomedian carina observed, dorsal surface faintly pustulose. All pleopods prehencile similar in structure; ischium stout; carpus slightly immersed in merus; dactylus falcate, uniunguicualte. All pleopods identical , rami non setigerous , rounded apically. Uropods flattened, cylindrical, exopod longer than endopod, slightly overreaching telson. Colour light brown in preserved specimens.


Not recorded


Pillai (1954) and Mini Nair (1987) recorded this species from Kerala coast.




Mini Nair 1987. Studies on the Systematics and Ecology of the Isopods of the South-West coast of India. Phd Thesis, University of Kerala, India.
Pillai NK (1954) A preliminary note on the Tanaidacea and Isopoda of Travancore. Bulletin of the Central Research Institute, University of Kerala, India 3: 1-21.

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