
Alitropus typus

Scientific Name:-
Alitropus typus

Common Name:-

Malayalam Name:-




Body comparatively long, almost obovate. Antero-median part of cephalon produced into an acute triangle. Eyes large , brownish black. Bases of antennae concealed beneath the median point of cephalon. Antero-lateral corners of pereonite 1 produced. Postero-lateral corners of each pereoionite produced only slightly. Coxal plates reduced, visible clearly only lateral , lateral margins setose. Perionite 1 as long as cephalon pereionite 2-4 subequal, pereoinite5 and 6 longer than preceding segments, pereonite 6 longest and broadest. Pleon of 5 segments, abruptly narrower than pereon, lateral parts drawn out into acute processes. Telson broader than pleon, broadly rounded apically bearing 6 stout spines among long setae. Uropods well developed with a long peduncle, exopod long and narrow, slightly shorter than endopod, outer margin armed with 6 spines among long spiny setae; endopod slightly raounded , apex bears six spines and long spiny setae, margins serrated. Body dark grey with reticulate chromatophores scattered in a distinctive pattern. The male differs from the female in the general shape of the body, the former being more slender than the latter.



A. typus is principally a freshwater species. Pillai (1967) collected it from fresh water and slightly brackish water habitats.




Alitropus dimorphus Pillai, 1954
Alitropus foveolatus Schiƶdte & Meinert, 1879
Rocinela simplex Chilton, 1926


Mini Nair 1987. Studies on the Systematics and Ecology of the Isopods of the South-West coast of India,Phd Thesis, University of Kerala
Pillai, NK. (1967). Littoral and parasitic isopods from Kerala: Family Eurydicidae, Corallanidae and Aegidae-2. .J.Bomb.Nat.Hist.Soc.,64(2):267-283.

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