
Irodes longicaudus

Scientific Name:-
Irodes longicaudus

Common Name:-

Malayalam Name:-


Not known


: Female.-Cephalothorax subequal in length and width, rostral lobe projecting, anteriorly rounded. Second thoracic segment laterally rounded and postero-Iaterally overlapping third, latter with irregular lateral borders. Fourth segment transversely oblong. Thoracic segments two to four successively narrowing. Fifth segment expanded at the base of the legs. Genital segment not enlarged. Abdomen long, four-segmented and narrowing. Distal inner seta of caudal rami twice as long as outer. Egg sacs fairly large", reaching tip of the setae on caudal rami. Distal segment of antenna irregular in shape, lower border spiny, there are three strong claws and four slender setae. Basal segment of mandible distally produced, blades narrow and unequal. Maxillule with one small and two long setae, paragnath small, pyriform. Maxilla with a sharp spine and two ventrally barbed blades. Claw of maxilliped fused with second segment or absent. Rami of second seg subsimilar, first two segments of endopod conically produced at outer distal part, third segment with one long blunt claw and two short ones, all apically flattened. First segment of exopod with one outer pine composed of a broad base and spine- like distal part. Second segment with one spine, third with four, fourth spine externally winged and internally plumose, apically drawn out into a filament. Third leg much longer than second, exopod longer than endopod, first exopod egment with a short but stout outer claw, second with a similar but longer claw, third with a similar claw, an apically blunt spine resembling that on the endopod of second leg and a stout spine like that on the exopod of the second leg. The flange of the claw distally projecting making the claws appear bifid. Endopod of fourth leg longer than exopod, increase in length mainly that of the third segment, second segment with inner distal process. third segment with two spines and two setae, exopod segments with one cylindrical winged spine each, with an apical spinule, third segment al 0 with a blunt spine and a large spine similar to those on the exopod of other legs.


Not recorded


Parasitic on Saurida tumbil collected from Kerala coast (Pillai, 1968, 1985).


Marine, parasitic on fishes


Taeniacanthus longicaudus Pillai, 1963


Pillai, N.K. (1963). Copepods of the family Taeniacanthidae parasitic on South Indian fishes. Crustaceana, 6 : 110-128.
Pillai, N.K. (1985). The Fauna of India. Copepod Parasites of Marine Fishes. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, India.
Image Courtesy: ZSI, Pillai (1985)

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