
Kroyeria echinata

Scientific Name:-
Kroyeria echinata

Common Name:-

Malayalam Name:-


Not known


Female.Cephalothorax rather elongated, with clearly marked narrow and projecting antennular lobe, postero-Iateral lobes very small, postero-median lobe slightly projecting beyond lateral lobes. Cephalic processes very short and unusually stout, reaching slightly beyond the middle of the second thoracic segment. Thoracic segments successively increasing in length, fourth comparatively very long. Abdomen apparently three-segmented but first septum indistinct. Caudal rami with four long and two small plumose setae, no spines, outer distal corner slightly produced.Antennule slender and seven-jointed, basal segment large, distal with an aesthete. Chela of antenna stout, thumb apically slightly flattened, distal segment apically blunt. Distal segment of maxilla with a patch of spinules, no distinct lobe, claw stout and curved, with prominent flange. Basal segment of maxilliped internally bulged, outer distal process narrow but prominent, claw long, distally bent at right angles.Endopod of first leg with subsimilar segments, second segment armed with three large teeth. Basal segment of exopod large. Second segment of endopod of legs two to four with six, four and four spines respectively. Basal exopod segment successively increasing in length. Intercoxal processes absent.


Not recorded


Parasitic on fishes of Kerala coast (Pillai, 1967, 1985).


Marine, parasitic on fishes



PILLAI, N. K. 1967. Three species of dichelesthiid copepods parasitic on South Indian sharks. Zoo I. Anz., 179 : 286-297.
Pillai, N.K. (1985). The Fauna of India. Copepod Parasites of Marine Fishes. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, India.
Image represents the genus only

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